Exciting new DP Stock order to arrive in about 3 weeks


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My last Custom Diamond Painting order and stock order for this year has left my supplier and is heading down under to my stock room. 

I am hoping to receive it before Christmas but freight is very busy out there at the moment so fingers crossed.

Tracking is telling me it on its way will let you know when it gets to New Zealand shores.

Pictures below of some of the new stock coming.

To make sure you all get your orders before Christmas I will make the cut off day for rural delivery to be Wednesday the 18th and urban delivery Friday the 20th. Of course if you live in Christchurch or are just visiting our lovely city you can pick up off me up to Christmas Eve.

Remember if you are visiting Christchurch over the Christmas break you are welcome to send me a text and come and visit. I love meeting people from around New Zealand. 


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